May 15th 2024

QOL Improvements (Section Previews, Rich Text Metafields, Component Updates)

BIG Quality of Life Improvements from the past 2 weeks:

  • Drag image into the Editor to place it!

  • Previews for sections!

  • Added Rich Text Metafields

  • Images default to 'lazy' load below the fold

  • We let a user know when there isn't an interaction associated with a button, and when there are conflicting interactions inside buttons

  • Updated default styles of button, text, icon, horizontal rule

  • Added 'Active Tab' as a State for Tabs component

  • Added better error handling for invalid URLs for image and video placement

  • Added project name to the Replo tab title

Fixed These Bugs:

  • Backspace or delete when editing a popup closed the popup

  • When a user paste an SVG in the canvas it will create a text component not a image

  • Fixed a handful of bugs related to creating and editing bullet points in the rich text editor in the design panel

  • Selecting a container and pasting text now pastes it in the container

  • Fixed 'Hidden images without a source still appear in Replo Editor'

  • Fixed small issue with project deletion modal